
Trauma – Thinking Beyond PTSD Workshop.

Trauma – Thinking Beyond PTSD Worksho Trauma – Thinking Beyond PTSD Workshop. Situations of ongoing conflict and military occupation: perspectives from Palestine. March 25th 2022 Online workshop recording and slides. A workshop for all mental health professionals, academics and those engaged in the area of psychological trauma. This includes those working with people experiencing ongoing …

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Harvard Law School Recognizes Israel as Apartheid Regime

Harvard Law School Recognizes Israel as Apartheid Regime https://www.palestinechronicle.com/harvard-law-school-recognizes-israel-as-apartheid-regime/ The Massachusetts-based Harvard Law School has recognized Israel as an apartheid regime, joining an array of organizations labeling Israel as such for its practices in occupied Palestine, the official Palestinian news agency WAFA reported.https://www.palestinechronicle.com/harvard-law-school-recognizes-israel-as-apartheid-regime/ In a recent report to the United Nations, the International Human Rights Clinic at …

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Freedom for Ahmad Manasra

Freedom for Ahmad Manasra The Palestinian-Global Mental Health Network calls on clinicians globally and locally to demand that the Israeli state immediately release Ahmad Manasra. The Palestinian-Global Mental Health Network condemns the Israeli occupation authorities’ structural psychological war, ongoing systematic torture, and racism against Ahmad Manasra for more than six years, which has resulted in …

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Webinar “Militarized Israel: How living in a highly militarized state affects children and young people in Palestine and Israel. A non violent response.”

Webinar “Militarized Israel: How living in a highly militarized state affects children and young people in Palestine and Israel. A non violent response.” Comhlámh’s Justice for Palestine member group warmly invites you to this free online event “Militarized Israel: How living in a highly militarized state affects children and young people in Palestine and Israel. …

Webinar “Militarized Israel: How living in a highly militarized state affects children and young people in Palestine and Israel. A non violent response.” Read More »

International Campaign for Ahmad Manasra

International Campaign for Ahmad Manasra A young man, sentenced when still a child to a draconian sentence, subjected to extreme ill-treatment, is now suffering severe mental ill-health in prison. The Israeli authorities have rejected pleas that he be freed. The Palestine Global Mental Health Network (PGMHN) is launching an international campaign to demand his release. …

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Trauma – Thinking beyond PTSD Workshop.

Trauma – Thinking beyond PTSD Workshop. Situations of ongoing conflict and military occupation: perspectives from Palestine. March 25th 2022 Online workshop. Who is this for?This workshop will be of interest to all mental health professionals, academics and those engaged in the area of psychological trauma. This includes those working with people experiencing ongoing conflict in …

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IPMHN Launch

IPMHN Launch The commitment to establish an Ireland Palestine Mental Health Network (IPMHN) was agreed by mental health practitioners from across the island of Ireland on May 2nd 2020. The immediate context for this development was the major conference on the human rights violations against Palestinian children, organised by Trade Union Friends of Palestine, held …

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